
Posts Tagged ‘Colbert’


NASA Misses “Golden” Opportunity OK, here’s the story. NASA held a vote-in contest to name a module on the International Space Station. Stephen Colbert got “Colbert Report” viewers to vote to name it “Colbert,” and won the poll.

But while the NASA folks were clever enough to let slip that the module in question was primarily a urine-recycling facility (perhaps hoping to, um, dampen Colbert’s enthusiasm), they couldn’t bring themselves to actually name the module “Colbert.” But as a compromise, they agreed to put an exercise treadmill in the facility, and give it an acronym spelling out C.O.L.B.E.R.T.

But if they’d been really clever, they would have named the urine-recycling machine itself after him: Contained Orbital Liquid Bodily Excretion Recycling Transformer. They missed out on a, shall we say, golden opportunity. (image via E! Online)

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